TRIO programs provide FREE resources to those who qualify. We offer unique, specialized, and individual academic support to help students succeed. Through TRIO, students gain the skills to help them navigate college and reach their goals. Find out more below.
NHCC TRIO Programs
Student Support Services
Visit student Support Services Page
If you’re a new or current college student attending NHCC, check to see if you meet the criteria to be selected as a Student Support Services program participant. Free benefits include:
- Personalized academic advising
- Professional tutoring in math, science, writing, and study skills
- Degree planning
- Strategies for improving grades
- Assistance with the financial aid process
- Assistance finding and applying for scholarships and internships
- Career exploration
- Guided tours to four-year colleges and universities
High School Upward Bound
If you’re a high school student interested in attending college, check to see if you meet the criteria to be selected as an Upward Bound participant. Free benefits include:
- Academic Preparation for College
- Assistance with College Admission Applications
- After school tutoring
- Academic Advising
- Strategies for improving grades
- Preparation for the ACT and SAT
- Assistance finding and applying for scholarships and internships
- Guided tours to four-year colleges and universities
Apply to TRIO
Our Students Love Being a Part of TRIO! TRIO Works!
Contact Us
Student Support Services
Campus Center Second Floor - Rm 227
Upward Bound
Campus Center Second Floor - Rm 227