Transfer Options
The Theatre Transfer Pathway AFA will transfer to any of the following Minnesota State universities:
- Metropolitan State University
- Minnesota State University Mankato
- Minnesota State University Moorhead
- Southwest Minnesota State University
- St. Cloud State University
- Winona State University

Paying For College
NHCC's tuition is among the most affordable in Minnesota.
Financial Aid
- Scholarships are money you don't have to repay
- Grants are money you don't have to repay
Free College Tuition
The North Star Promise scholarship program provides free college tuition to eligible students. Find out if you might be eligible.
Program Roadmaps
Program roadmaps provide students with a guide to understand the recommended course sequence to complete their degree.
Theater Transfer Pathway Curriculum
Course Code | Title | Course Outlines | Goal Areas | Credits |
TFT 1210 | Introduction to Theatre and | View-TFT 1210 | n/a | 3 |
TFT 1450 | Stagecraft and | View-TFT 1450 | n/a | 3 |
TFT 1500 | Acting I and | View-TFT 1500 | n/a | 3 |
TFT 1510 | Movement and Voice and | View-TFT 1510 | n/a | 3 |
TFT 1600 | Theatre Practicum: Performance and | View-TFT 1600 | n/a | 1-3 |
TFT 1610 | Theatre Practicum: Technical and | View-TFT 1610 | n/a | 0 |
TFT 2150 | Play Analysis and | View-TFT 2150 | n/a | 3 |
TFT 2550 | Acting II | View-TFT 2550 | n/a | 3 |
Course Title: Introduction to Theatre Goal Areas: 07,06 Credits: 3
Course Description: Students become involved in a play's production while they explore the roots of the theater as a reflection of culture and community. Students investigate major theatrical historical periods and personalities, work on self-selected crews, analyze dramatic literature for meaning and production considerations, and may create and perform their own scenarios as a means of understanding the transformation of theater from page to stage.
Course Title: Stagecraft Goal Areas: 06 Credits: 3
Course Description: This course introduces the student to the elements of theatrical design and its implementation for a stage production. The student will gain practical experience and a working knowledge of set construction techniques, and lighting and sound equipment and their use. Safety standards will be emphasized, as well as competencies in utilizing various power and hand tools. Students will work on construction and operating crews in support of college theatre productions.
Course Title: Acting I Goal Areas: 06 Credits: 3
Course Description: This course uses lectures, discussions, and interactive exercises to learn, demonstrate, and evaluate the principles of improvisation including basic stage awareness, non-verbal communication, self-awareness, and team work. Students will work in ensemble to understand, evaluate, and use the concepts of objective, intention, and motivation. Written analyses as well as presentations may be used to demonstrate understanding of these skills and concepts.
Course Title: Movement and Voice Goal Areas: 06 Credits: 3
Course Description: Students will learn and incorporate a movement vocabulary and relaxed vocal projection through a series of group projects throughout the semester. Emphasis is placed on utilization of learned techniques to create character, heightened response to others on stage and to enhance stage presence.
Course Title: Theatre Practicum: Performance Goal Areas: 06 Credits: 1-3
Course Description: In this class, students choose a particular area of practicum study such as acting, directing, assisting a director, working on a technical crew assignment, or another major responsibility. Students research, analyze and participate in some aspect of a North Hennepin production. This course may be repeated for credit.Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
Course Title: Theatre Practicum: Technical Goal Areas: 06 Credits: 0
Course Description: In this class, students choose a particular area of practicum study such as directing, assisting a director, working on a technical crew assignment, or another major responsibility. Students research, analyze and participate in some aspect of a North Hennepin production. This course may be repeated for credit. Consent of Instructor required.Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
Course Title: Play Analysis Goal Areas: 06 Credits: 3
Course Description: This course will introduce the student to a variety of plays that will be read and analyzed for content, meaning, structure, genre and historical context. Focus will include looking at the script as a blueprint for theatrical production from several different points of view, as well as analyzing the text utilizing various techniques and methodologies.
Course Title: Acting II Goal Areas: 06 Credits: 3
Course Description: Continued exploration of the intuitive and imaginative techniques from Acting I with added scene work by American and European playwrights. Work begins with but moves away from simple evaluated scenes and includes specific vocal and physical character choices and script analysis. Advanced partnering skills and inside referent works are explored. Exercises are used to create an imaginative relationship to your partner with flexibility and precision. Students will hone ability to assess properties of effective acting using objective criteria in critique sessions. Class also includes lessons on professional etiquette, the business of acting and ensemble building.
Course Code | Title | Course Outlines | Goal Areas | Credits |
Program Electives - 8 credits | ||||
ART 1040 | Art Appreciation or | View-ART 1040 | n/a | 3 |
ART 1270 | Digital Video Production or | View-ART 1270 | n/a | 3 |
ART 1310 | Three Dimensional Design or | View-ART 1310 | n/a | 3 |
ART 1320 or | ||||
ENGL 2500 | Playwriting or | View-ENGL 2500 | n/a | 3 |
ENGL 2580 | Shakespeare's Plays or | View-ENGL 2580 | n/a | 3 |
MUSC 1350 | History of Rock and Roll or | View-MUSC 1350 | n/a | 3 |
TFT 1250 | Introduction to Film or | View-TFT 1250 | n/a | 3 |
TFT 1260 | Introduction to Television or | View-TFT 1260 | n/a | 3 |
TFT 1270 | Digital Video Production or | View-TFT 1270 | n/a | 3 |
TFT 1531 | Stage Combat I or | View-TFT 1531 | n/a | 3 |
TFT 1532 | Stage Combat II or | View-TFT 1532 | n/a | 3 |
TFT 1540 | Acting for the Camera or | View-TFT 1540 | n/a | 3 |
TFT 2010 | Fundamentals of Directing | View-TFT 2010 | n/a | 3 |
Course Title: Art Appreciation Goal Areas: 06,08 Credits: 3
Course Description: The course introduces students to the basic concepts of visual art objects, focusing on the terminology needed to describe and analyze artworks. Fundamental design elements are emphasized to further the development of visual literacy. The understanding of the basic structures of architecture, painting, drawing, and sculpture will be developed. Modes of art analysis are discussed and demonstrated. The general history of art is presented and explained, with attention to the transmission and exchange of world cultures through visual art. This course is presented through lecture and discussion.
Course Title: Introduction to Film Goal Areas: 06 Credits: 3
Course Description: This course is an introduction to the history and techniques of entertaining and communicating ideas through motion pictures. The course consists of viewing, analyzing, discussing and writing about films as a means of understanding visual communication and developing greater visual literacy.
Course Title: Introduction to Television Goal Areas: 06,08 Credits: 3
Course Description: This course is an introduction to television's history, development, emerging technologies, influence, and future. It explores digital convergence as well as programming, distribution, regulation, and audience, constantly emphasizing the effect of money on this pervasive medium. Both television shows and movies about television will help illuminate the course content.
Course Title: Digital Video Production Goal Areas: 06 Credits: 3
Course Description: This course introduces basic video production concepts and techniques with an emphasis on using the elements of motion and sound as creative artistic tools. Students will critically analyze video in terms of genre, context, meaning, visual language and form and then produce and edit their own short projects that explore creative and experimental applications of the medium rather than the traditional mass communication form. Students are encouraged to use their own computer for editing if possible. Basic knowledge of the computer is helpful.
Course Title: Digital Video Production Goal Areas: 06 Credits: 3
Course Description: This course introduces basic video production concepts and techniques with an emphasis on using the elements of motion and sound as creative artistic tools. Students will critically analyze video in terms of genre, context, meaning, visual language and form and then produce and edit their own short projects that explore creative and experimental applications of the medium rather than the traditional mass communication form. Students are encouraged to use their own computer for editing if possible. Basic knowledge of the computer is helpful.
Course Title: Three Dimensional Design Goal Areas: 06 Credits: 3
Course Description: As an introduction to the basic language of three-dimensional design, this course includes constructive, additive, subtractive and substitution techniques using traditional and contemporary media. Various methods of presentation are explored ranging from small freestanding works to site-specific models and proposals.
Course Title: History of Rock and Roll Goal Areas: 06 Credits: 3
Course Description: This course may include but is not limited to early American music, jazz, American musical theater, pop, rock, and rap. The history of popular music in Western Culture will be presented. Students will learn to identify the music styles contained under the broad umbrella of Rock 'n Roll. Students will also learn about the historical, social, cultural and political influences on popular music.
Course Title: Stage Combat I Goal Areas: 06 Credits: 3
Course Description: Stage Combat I is an introductory course in the Stage Combat Program, and will focus on unarmed (hand to hand fighting) and armed (found objects, knives, etc.) stage combat. The program conforms to the guidelines put forth by the Society of American Fight Directors (SAFD). Telling a story effectively through the use of disciplined and safe stage combat will be stressed, as well as instruction in the history, type and use of various weapons. Students in the performing arts will gain self-confidence in their ability to fulfill the needs of any script calling for stage or screen violence. Students not in the performing arts will gain a firsthand appreciation of the skills necessary to make stage and screen violence look real.
Course Title: Stage Combat II Goal Areas: 06 Credits: 3
Course Description: Stage Combat II is the follow-up course to Stage Combat I in the Stage Combat Program. The primary focus of this course will be on performance. The skills learned in Stage Combat I will be reviewed and refined, then applied to the performance of choreographed staged fights within the context of a scene. Students will assign emotional value to the physical circumstances of the scene and act out the intentions of the character. This program conforms to the guidelines put forth by the Society of American Fight Directors (SAFD), which contains 90 hours of required instruction. Students in the performing arts will gain self-confidence in their ability to fulfill the needs of any script calling for stage or screen violence. Students not in the performing arts will gain a firsthand appreciation of the skills necessary to make stage and screen violence look real.
Course Title: Acting for the Camera Goal Areas: 06 Credits: 3
Course Description: Students will have the opportunity to perform in front of the camera and see themselves as the camera records them, revealing their strengths and challenges. Acting techniques specific to working in film and television will be covered along with methods for auditioning, script analysis, character development, communication and style. How to handle camera and editing equipment is also included.
Course Title: Fundamentals of Directing Goal Areas: 06 Credits: 3
Course Description: Fundamentals of Directing is open to any student who is interested in learning the basic skills necessary to become adept at directing. The student will learn about the wide variety of responsibilities a director assumes, as well as the range of knowledge every director needs to possess in order to communicate a story effectively on stage or screen. The course will cover the function of the director, script analysis, groundplan and blocking, working with the actor, creating a unified whole, and working collaboratively with a production team. In addition, the course will cover some of the similarities and differences between directing for the stage, film, and television. For students in careers outside the performing arts, this course offers opportunities to gain a deeper appreciation of the process of directing, increase personal self-confidence, and improve communication skills in a team setting. Pre-requisites: TFT 1500 or TFT 1540 or TFT 1210 or TFT 1250 or instructor permission.
Course Title: Playwriting Goal Areas: 06 Credits: 3
Course Description: Students will be introduced to the fundamentals of writing theatrical plays. They will be expected to work on several creative projects throughout the semester and to participate in workshops in which they will discuss and critique one another's work. Students may also be asked to complete other writing exercises and to analyze a selection of plays to gain a better understanding of the art of playwriting.
Course Title: Shakespeare's Plays Goal Areas: 08,06 Credits: 3
Course Description: This course studies some of the major plays of William Shakespeare (which may include histories, comedies, tragedies, and romances), analyzing the plays from the standpoint of literary interpretation, focusing on poetic style and literary techniques.
Course Code | Title | Course Outlines | Goal Areas | Credits |
College Writing I | ||||
ENGL 1200 | Gateway College Writing or | View-ENGL 1200 | n/a | 4 |
ENGL 1201 | College Writing I | View-ENGL 1201 | n/a | 4 |
ENGL 1202 | College Writing II or | View-ENGL 1202 | n/a | 2 |
ENGL 1203 | College Writing II with Workshop and | View-ENGL 1203 | n/a | 2 |
COMM 1110 | Principles of Interpersonal Communication | View-COMM 1110 | n/a | 3 |
Course Title: Principles of Interpersonal Communication Goal Areas: 01,07 Credits: 3
Course Description: This introductory course looks at communication in one-to-one relationships in friendships, families, the workplace, and elsewhere. Students will be challenged to discover and assess their own communication strengths and weaknesses as they define and discuss what it means to be a competent interpersonal communicator. Course content includes both theory and practice (skill development).
Course Title: Gateway College Writing Goal Areas: 01 Credits: 4
Course Description: This class provides extended practice in critical reading, writing, and thinking skills. Students will develop an effective writing process and work to achieve college-level competence in reading and responding to texts, visuals, events, and ideas in a variety of written formats, with an emphasis on the academic essay. Audience awareness, interpretation and analysis, logical reasoning, and persuasive and argumentative skills will be developed. MLA style documentation of primary sources will be included.
Course Title: College Writing I Goal Areas: 01 Credits: 4
Course Description: This class provides extended practice in critical reading, writing, and thinking skills. Students will develop an effective writing process and work to achieve college-level competence in reading and responding to texts, visuals, events, and ideas in a variety of written formats, with an emphasis on the academic essay. Audience awareness, interpretation and analysis, logical reasoning, and persuasive and argumentative skills will be developed. MLA style documentation of primary sources will be included.
Course Title: College Writing II Goal Areas: 02,01 Credits: 2
Course Description: This class focuses on the research process, textual analysis of primary and secondary sources, rhetorical strategies for argument and persuasion, and successful integration of sources into a longer academic paper utilizing MLA (or other, as appropriate) documentation format. The class may be disciplinary, interdisciplinary, or topical in content.
Course Title: College Writing II with Workshop Goal Areas: 01,02 Credits: 2
Course Description: This class focuses on the research process, textual analysis of primary and secondary sources, rhetorical strategies for argument and persuasion, and successful integration of sources into a longer academic paper utilizing MLA (or other, as appropriate) documentation format. The class may be disciplinary, interdisciplinary, or topical in content.
Natural Science (Goal Area 3) - 2 courses, 7 credits from different disciplines, one must be a lab course | ||||
Highly recommended: (Goals 3 10) ANTH 1020, BIOL 1160, BIOL 1200, BIOL 1610, CHEM 1000, CHEM 1010, GEOG 1010, EEVS / NATS 1100, 1130, 1150, 1160, 1170, 1180, 1200, 1210 | ||||
Mathematics/Logical Reasoning (Goal Area 4) - 3 credits | ||||
History the Social Behavioral Sciences (Goal Area 5 ) - 3 courses, 9 credits from the following | ||||
(Goals 5 8 - 3 credits) ANTH 1010, ECON 1060, GEOG 1040, GEOG 1100, HIST 1010, HIST 1020, HIST 1110, HIST 1120, HIST 2500, POLS 1600, POLS 1700, PSYC 2350 | ||||
(Goals 5 9 - 3 credits) ECON 1050, GCST 1490, GCST 1504, GCST 1505, GCST 1964, GEOG 1040, GEOG 1100, GWS 1504, GWS 1505, HIST 1230, HIST 2700, POLS 1100, POLS 1140 | ||||
One Additional 3 credit course not listed above | ||||
Environment (Goal Area 10) - 1 course | ||||
A minimum of 19 credits to fulfill Goal Areas 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 |
15 Credits must be earned at NHCC |
Total Credits Required | 60 |
The Associate of Fine Arts Theatre Transfer Pathways includes rigorous studies in performance and production, along with hands on experience in theatre methods and practices. These studies will allow students to gain a deep understanding and working knowledge of theatre fundamentals. It will also prepare students for direct transfer to an established bachelor's degree program in Theatre. The 40 credits Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) is completed with the AFA degree to assist the transfer to the MN State University system via the Theatre Transfer Pathways Program.
Minnesota State Universities:Bemidji State University, Metropolitan State University, Minnesota State University Mankato, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Southwest Minnesota State University, St. Cloud State University, Winona State University.
Knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural world, including:
- identifying in an historical, cultural and societal perspective the genres of theater with exemplary authors and works
Intellectual and Practical Skills, including:
- analyzing and effectively communicating stylistic elements of theater pieces and significant authors, including structural parameters, language, aesthetic factors, and interdisciplinary requirements
- demonstrating technical proficiency and artistic synthesis in vocal, physical and emotional development in performance
- experiencing multiple modern and classical approaches to performance, script interpretation, and character formation
- using a wide range of creative and critical approaches to relate theater art to society
Personal and Social Responsibility, including:
- the ability to work independently and collaboratively in a high pressure creative environment
- understanding cultural differences in theater practices
Integrative Learning, including:
- participating in theatrical productions at varied levels including design, makeup, stagecraft, and production
- demonstrating a required level of proficiency in acting and directing
- investigating careers in the theater arts
Be prepared to transfer to a four year institution in this discipline.
Program roadmaps provide students with a guide to understand the recommended course sequence to complete their degree.
Information on careers, including career descriptions, salary data, and employment outlook is available on the Bureau of Labor Statistics website and O*Net Online website.
If you are planning on transferring to another institution, follow the guidelines available on our transfer resources web page to help you plan the process: Transfer Information
An Associate of Fine Arts (A.F.A.) degree is intended for students whose primary goal is to complete a program in a designated discipline in fine arts. The A.F.A. degree is designed for transfer to a baccalaureate degree.
Completion of an A.F.A. degree fulfills the Goal Area 2 requirement of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC).
Developmental Coursework Some students may need preparatory course(s) in Math and/or English. Courses numbered below 1000 will not apply toward a degree.
Equal Opportunity Employer and Disability Access Information North Hennepin Community College is a member of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system and an equal opportunity employer and educator. This document is available in alternative formats to individuals with disabilities by calling 7634930555 or through the Minnesota Relay Service at 18006273529.
North Hennepin Community College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (, an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.
30 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 2400
Chicago, IL 60602-2504
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